Gift an Education 2020

Gift an Education 2020

From Kingston Marley

Many children living in rural Jamaica don't have access to internet for online learning. By providing them the text books they need, we can give them an equal opportunity to excel in their education this school year.

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The COVID-19 virus has impacted the entire world and changed the way we do everything, like educate our children. While it is still uncertain how the 2020-2021 school year will be conducted - either through online learning initiatives, students physically returning to schools or a combination of both - one thing remains certain, children need equal access to educational resources in order to excel.

The 2020-2021 school year will be especially challenging for children living in rural farming communities of Jamaica, who have little or no access to electricity and internet service.  Online learning initiatives will be impossible for many of these students. With the impact that COVID-19 has had on businesses and employment, purchasing school books will also be impossible for many of these students whose families rely solely on farming during these difficult times.

Our goal is to ensure that some of Jamaica's most vulnerable children receive the resources they need to continue their education during this pandemic. This year we will be working with Muirhouse Primary and Junior High, Gibraltar All Age and Alva Primary and Infant. These schools are all located in rural communities of St. Ann, Jamaica.

Please help us honor our commitment to providing equal access to educational resources, one rural school at a time!

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