One Paycheck Away from Losing Everything Due to Gastroparesis

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One Paycheck Away from Losing Everything Due to Gastroparesis

From Shannon Wiles

Hello, my name is Shannon and last year I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. I am trying to raise money to help pay my bills while I am off work due to having corrective surgery to help me digest food.

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My name is Shannon Jackson. And a year ago I was dignosed with a severe case of gastroparesis. This disease prevents me from digesting my food like a normal person. My stomach muscles do not contract back and forth to break the food down to pass through my stomach. It is soooo very painful and I have been dealing with this for the past several years. I am scheduled to go see a gastroparesis specialist located at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio at the end of October. I am scheduled for a EGG on my stomach and then meet Dr. Cline afterwards then the surgeons. This disease is so terrible! I literally have rotting food in my stomach and it makes me so I can't poop unless I take medication to help me break the food down. I am in constant pain and now I have issues with my hips and back from spending 9, sometimes 12 hours a day sitting on the toilet. This whole crazy journey has tested me terribly. I am a diabetic so its been hell trying to keep my blood sugar levels stable since I never know how long its going to take me to digest the sugar out after eating. And to top it off, I think I maybe losing my sanity! Not being able to poop when you feel you need to is the worst feeling in the world!!! I can literally feel it but it won't come out!! And then when I did eat something I would feel bloated and so uncomfortable!! My stomach looked like I was two years pregnant!! I have literally lost over 100lbs since they finally put me on Reglan syrup and erythromycin pills. I have lost my job like 4 or 5 times in the last 10 months because of me always being sick to my stomach! I get nauseous, puke up undigested food, lay around cuz I have pains in my belly, can't eat normal food, have dug poop out literally cuz it gets stuck, shit my pants cuz didn't make it to bathroom, my mental state is not good cause I just wanna die most of the time. My faith has been tested to the max! I sit and wonder if there's a God and why he would let someone go through so much suffering! I can't plan anything cuz I never know if I am going to be sick or not! I have filed for Social Security Disablity and was denied last week. Said I wasn't disabled! I sat and cried! I absolutely would rather go back to my normal life when I was working at WPAFB making really good money. Back when I was happy and could pay my bills and wasn't sick every day! Some days I pray for death cuz I don't wanna live like this anymore!!! It has taken a toll on my mental health for sure! I pray I get the help I need seeing these specialist and surgeons! I pray that this surgery can fix the problem and I will finally be free again!!! I wanna go back to work full time and enjoy multiple days of being healthy and not have my head in a trash bag vomiting rotting food. I just need help with my bills until I can have surgery to fix me! I would be soooooo very grateful for any amount donated! I can't say thank you enough!!! I pray God blesses you and your family! I ask you say a little prayer for me and mine! Again, thank you for your kindness!

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