Please Help Fund My Brand New Apparel Business

Please Help Fund My Brand New Apparel Business

From D Harrison

I am raising money for my brand new apparel business. I just opened my business on March 12th and we still need funding so that we can begin business operations. Please donate to help the economy with a new business. :)

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Hello, my name is Daylon. In 2020, I have earned my Bachelors Degree in Fashion Merchandising. With all of the chaos of corona virus and the recession, I have still managed to have a career. However, I have always had a dream of starting my own apparel business and helping the economy by offering more stable jobs to the general public. The fashion industry is a very competitive job market and I know how tough it can be; especially for someone that is still considered to be entry level. I am ready to take everything that I learned in University as well as on the job, and apply it to my own dreams. But, I need your help. Please help my business raise capital so that we can begin operations.

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