The Diamond Cutter- a short film based on the book

Diamond Cutter posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

We're back. We are shooting in August!

We have dates scheduled and a team assembled. We just need to get a little more funds to cover the costs.

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Diamond Cutter commented:
over 10 years ago
Wanted to thank everyone of you for your support! We're in post production & hopefully will have a completed film in a couple of months.
Kathryn Elizabeth Ehrhorn commented with a $20 donation:
over 10 years ago
Can't wait for the day I'm donating more to You holy ventures.
Lung Hsi Lin commented with a $20 donation:
over 10 years ago
a power to better the world
Leong Wan Onn commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
Wish the teaching savours many souls by unveiling the path of true happiness :-)
Ivan Sidorov commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
I like diamonds
David Kieran commented with a $100 donation:
over 11 years ago
Wish you well with this project.
AdvoKat Yoga commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
Thanks for Sharing your Knowledge!
Stephen Kob commented with a support:
almost 12 years ago
great idea!
Diego Lagunilla commented with a $100 donation:
almost 12 years ago
Magali Trumper-Meydav commented with a support:
almost 12 years ago
Good Luck!