Understanding Second Toe Shortening Surgery

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Second toe shortening surgery, also known as second toe correction or second toe hammertoe surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to address a condition called hammertoe or mallet toe. Hammertoe is a deformity of the toe in which it becomes bent at the middle joint, resembling a hammer or a mallet.


During second toe shortening surgery, the following steps are typically involved:

1. Incision: An incision is made on one side of the second toe.

2. Bone Adjustment: The surgeon dislocates the toe and shaves off a certain amount of bone.

3. Realignment: The remaining bone is realigned properly.

4. Fusion: The dislocated toe is fused back together.

In simpler terms, a small portion of the bone is removed, and the rest of it is realigned to correct the deformity.


  • Pain Relief: The primary goal of this surgery is to decrease pain at the base of the second toe (in the ball of the foot).

  • Toe Straightening: Second toe shortening surgery helps straighten out the second toe, improving its alignment.

Recovery Insights

1. Initial Recovery Period: The initial recovery time for second toe shortening surgery is approximately six weeks.

  • Pain Management: Expect the strongest pain during the first week after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medications may be necessary initially.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are normal. Elevating your foot and applying ice packs will help reduce swelling.
  • Improved Mobility: After one month, you’ll notice improved mobility, although stiffness is expected initially.
  • Foot Alignment: As swelling subsides, changes in foot alignment will be evident.

2. Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your foot doctor are essential to assess progress and determine if you can resume regular activities and work.

Remember that individual recovery experiences may vary. Consult your foot doctor promptly if you have any concerns or questions. At Luxe Foot Surgery clinic, our team of doctors is here to guide you through the process. Feel free to reach out for a free first consultation.

I hope this article provides valuable insights into your recovery journey after second toe shortening surgery. Wishing you a swift and comfortable healing process! 

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